All Mil Spec Packaging

MAC Packaging has been the industry leader in MIL-SPEC Packaging since 1976. We can help you with all aspects of your government contracts and Mil Spec packaging needs.

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All Mil Spec Packaging



MAC Packaging is a full-service military specification packaging company that has decades of experience and expertise in all Mil Spec Packaging. Our knowledge of the U.S. Department of Defense’s detailed military packaging specifications and regulations combined with our established relationships can save you valuable time, money and expense. We can assist you with all aspects of your government contract, or teach you how to do it yourself.


The most ideal approach for us is to engage with our customers at the solicitation stage. We will review the packaging and labeling costs in the quote to determine the additional associated expenses like inspection, shipping and documentation to take into account all of the costs associated with doing business with the U.S. Government. This is very important to identify that all costs are included to not impact the projected profit margin and ensure a profitable contract.

Once a contract has been issued MAC Packaging offers a complimentary review to verify that all terms and conditions stipulated in the solicitation have been included in the issued contract. Upon the issuance of a purchase order to MAC Packaging we will acquire all of the necessary materials to prepare for completion of the packaging and labeling services. Advance notice of the contract award will ensure a guaranteed turn time to ensure that your delivery to the U.S. Government is on time.

Once the packaging process is finished we also complete all of the necessary paperwork associated with IRAPT/WAWF at no cost to our client. This includes communicating with contract officers, facilitating inspections and helping you maintain accurate data in the governments electronic systems to assure delivery acceptance and timely payment of your invoices.


You can count on our decades of expertise combined with our unrivaled knowledge of the MIL-SPEC Packaging process to deliver the highest level of service to fulfill all aspects of your government contract. For the past four decades we have prided ourselves on delivering attentive and impeccable service for each and every customer, without exception. We are nationally recognized for our authority on MIL-SPEC regulations, packaging design, preservation techniques and shipping.

MIL-SPEC Contracts

We have earned our enviable industry reputation in part because of our four decades of experience and knowledge of the U.S. Department of Defense’s detailed military packaging specifications and regulations.

MIL-SPEC Labeling

We are experts in the complex military packaging and labeling requirements. We make sure your package gets delivered to it’s desired location on-time at a lower cost than you can do yourself.

Adminstrative Requirements

We can communicate with contract officers, facilitate inspections and help maintain accurate data in the governments electronic systems to assure delivery acceptance and timely payment of your invoices.

Contact us to learn more about our services or to request a free estimate.